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Peptek is an enterprise producing both active pharmaceutical substance GMDP and its finished dosage form-tablets "Lycopid® 1 mg and 10 mg" and "Glycopin® 1 mg". Thus, Peptek – one of the few enterprises in the country, carrying out a full cycle of production of the drug.

Tablets "Licopid®" are stable, constantly increasing demand among consumers and, importantly, the attention and recognition of practitioners. The scope of application of the drug "Licopid®" is constantly expanding, as the creators of the drug and the staff of Peptek with great satisfaction learn from the professional medical literature relating to clinical practice and reports at scientific conferences. This fact, first of all, speaks about the effectiveness and safety of the drug produced by Peptek.

The number of countries in which the drug "Licopid®" is in stable demand is constantly growing. In 2015–2016, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Mongolia joined the traditional countries – consumers of the drug in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova and Kazakhstan.

The drug "Glycopin®" is successfully used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of small pets, accompanied by immunodeficiency conditions, including acute and chronic inflammatory reactions of various origins.