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The enterprise Peptek has own production of a full cycle of release of the drug "Licopid® tablets 1 mg and 10 mg" and includes a site of production of Active Pharmaceutical substances (AFS), a site of Ready Medicines (GLS), Control and Analytical laboratory, warehouses of raw materials and pharmaceutical (finished) production.

Production of JSC "Peptek" is organized in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing practice GMP and operates in strict compliance with the production quality assurance system, which is confirmed by the License for the production of medicines, issued by the Ministry of Industry and trade of Russia 16.04.2016.

In addition to its own quality control of products, the company carries out voluntary certification of each series of products by the state certification body.

The policy of production quality is characterized by the principle: "from quality through testing of finished products to quality at the stage of production", thanks to which for 25 years of production the company has not had a single complaint, as well as rejection from the state certification bodies and state Supervisory authorities for the quality of medicines.